Rail & Train Station Advertising Formats

Rail Station Digital 6-Sheet

These digital displays are highly effective in rail environments due to the high foot traffic and the waiting time that commuters have, making them more likely to notice and engage with the advertisements.

They offer advertisers the flexibility to change messages throughout the day, target specific demographics, and even interact with viewers through technologies like QR codes or augmented reality.

Rail Station Paper 6-Sheet

Rail Paper 6 Sheets are commonly used for advertising in train stations due to their visibility in high-traffic areas.

They are effective for campaigns that do not require frequent content changes and are often used for brand awareness or promoting products and services to commuters.

Rail Station Paper 4-Sheet

Rail Station Paper 4 Sheets are used for advertising in high-footfall areas within train stations. They are suitable for campaigns that don't require dynamic or changing content, often used for local advertising or targeting commuters with specific messages.

Their smaller size compared to 6 Sheets makes them a more economical option for certain advertising budgets and strategies.

Rail Station Paper 48-Sheet

These large posters are used for high-impact advertising campaigns.

Their size allows for bold, creative designs and messaging, making them particularly effective for brand awareness campaigns, major product launches, or any advertising initiative where making a strong visual impact is crucial.

Due to their size and prominence, 48-Sheet posters in rail stations can be an integral part of a comprehensive advertising strategy, especially in urban areas with heavy commuter traffic.

Rail Station Digital Billboards

Digital billboards in train stations are dynamic advertising screens offering high visibility in high-traffic areas.

They display moving images and videos, allow for quick content updates, and can engage commuters with interactive features. This flexibility and visibility make them an effective tool for targeted advertising campaigns.

Rail Station Ticket Gateways

Rail station ticket gateway advertising refers to advertising placements located at the entry or exit points of ticket barriers (gateways) in rail stations.

These are strategic spots for advertising due to the high volume of commuters passing through these gateways daily.

This form of advertising is effective for reaching a large, diverse audience and creating high-frequency exposure to advertising messages.

On-Train Traincards

On-train traincard advertising refers to advertisements placed inside train carriages, typically on cards or panels.

These ads are strategically positioned to capture the attention of passengers during their journey.

On-train traincard advertising is effective for reaching a specific audience in a controlled environment, where the potential for prolonged exposure to the ad is high.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about rail advertising.

The cost of advertising in train stations varies widely, typically ranging from a few hundred e.g. £400 to several thousand pounds e.g. £5,000.

Factors influencing the price include the station's location, the size and type of the advertisement, and the campaign duration.

Major stations in cities like London are more expensive due to higher footfall.

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