Traincards On-Train Advertising

What are Traincards?

On-train Traincard advertising refers to the practice of placing advertisements inside passenger trains.

These advertisements are typically displayed on cards, known as Traincards, which are strategically positioned in the interior of train carriages.

Traincard Advertising

On-train Traincard advertising is a unique and effective way for businesses to reach a wide audience in a captive setting, making it a popular choice for many advertisers in the UK.

Main Benefits of Advertising Inside Trains

Traincard advertising, as practiced in the UK and other regions, offers several distinct benefits for advertisers. These advantages make it an attractive option for a wide range of marketing strategies. Here are the main benefits:

High Audience Exposure:

Trains are a popular mode of transportation, especially in urban and suburban areas. This means that advertisements placed inside train carriages are seen by a large number of people, ensuring high exposure for the advertised products or services.

Captive Audience:

Passengers on trains are typically seated for the duration of their journey, providing a captive audience for the advertisements. Unlike other forms of advertising where the audience can easily switch channels or scroll past, Traincard advertising captures attention for longer periods.

Frequency of Exposure:

Regular commuters are exposed to these advertisements frequently, which can lead to higher recall and brand recognition over time. Repetitive exposure is a key factor in effective advertising.

Diverse Audience Reach:

Trains are used by a wide demographic, including commuters, students, tourists, and business travelers. This allows advertisers to reach a diverse audience, which can be particularly beneficial for products or services with a broad target market.

Targeted Advertising:

Advertisers can choose specific train lines or routes that are more likely to be used by their target audience. For example, advertising luxury goods on train routes serving affluent areas or student services on routes popular with university students.


Compared to other forms of advertising like television or digital media, Traincard advertising can be more cost-effective, especially considering the duration and frequency of exposure.

Positive Association:

Being part of a daily routine, such as commuting, advertisements on trains can become familiar and even comforting to regular passengers, fostering positive associations with the advertised brands.

On-Train Advertising Cards

Overall, on-train Traincard advertising offers a unique blend of high exposure, captive audience, and targeting capabilities, making it an effective medium for a wide range of advertising objectives.

On-Train Advertising Costs

On-train Traincard advertising in the UK starts at around £50 per poster. This cost can vary based on factors like location, route popularity, campaign duration, and the size of the advertisement. For precise pricing, it's advisable to consult with rail advertising companies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about rail advertising.

The cost of advertising in train stations varies widely, typically ranging from a few hundred e.g. £400 to several thousand pounds e.g. £5,000.

Factors influencing the price include the station's location, the size and type of the advertisement, and the campaign duration.

Major stations in cities like London are more expensive due to higher footfall.

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